- Your eyebrows add strength and definition to your face. Well groomed eyebrows enhance your beauty
- You should pluck eyebrows before bedtime so any redness will disappear overnight. In shaping your eyebrows use your facial features.
- Use a pair of slant edge tweezers which grip hairs easily. Comb hairs one way and then the other to remove loose hairs.
- You should pluck hairs between the brows and any stragglers. Never remove the hairs from above your eyebrows.
- Pluck each hair individually close to the root. Work in the direction of the growth.
- Always avoid over plucking. In defining your eyebrows choose a shade similar to your natural hair colour.
- When using a pencil you should apply in small, feathered strokes. Starting at the inner corner work outwards.
- Blend the colour with a brush. To tame stray hairs just use hair gel and comb through to neaten.
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