Some women believe that cellulite is a natural process, and there is no reason to interfere with the natural mystery. However, it is not that easy. In fact, cellulite is not just a cosmetic defect, but a real skin disease and metabolism disorder caused by the accumulation of fluid and toxins in the connective tissue surrounding the fat cells which makes the skin bumpy and uneven, like orange peel.
What Causes Cellulite
There are plenty of reasons for the formation of cellulite: stress, poor diet, hormonal disorders, bad habits, and lack of proper body care. That is why orange peel is observed even among the slimmest women. You can sincerely believe that cellulite cannot be cured, and at the same time fight it on all fronts. One should start with the delicatessen.
Complex Cellulite Treatment
If we assume that cellulite is “micro-edemata of cells, then we should start with the normalization of water exchange in the tissues. To do it, try to avoid salt as much as possible and drink more water. Of course, if the doctor has not prescribed otherwise.
Pills and Tights for Cellulite Reduction
Questionable products which guarantee your getting rid of cellulite without much difficulty should be viewed with apprehension. This list includes diet pills, and special “anti-cellulite” tights. The effect of the former may be simply disastrous for the health, while the latter have exactly the opposite effect: the tights or shorts stretch the skin and can individually cause edemata and blood congestion.
Diet to Fight Cellulite
The second thing which promotes the formation of orange peel is a wrong diet. To reduce the intake of harmful food chemicals into the body, give up fast food, fried food, chips, snacks, fizzy drinks, sausages, chocolate bars, and alcohol. If you are unable to resist smoking, at least start taking vitamins. Enrich your diet with more foods containing fiber: cabbage, bran, pistachio, pineapple, wild rice. The point is that cellulose fibers are as sponges – they bind harmful substances and remove them from the body.
Cosmetic Procedures for Cellulite Treatment
Keep in mind that cellulite is a disease which you can get rid of using a complex approach. And thus we move to another stage – a cosmetic one.
Do not underestimate anti-cellulite creams and procedures that promise healing malady. Science moves forward, and every day there are more and more advanced components that affect the problem of cellulite at the cellular level. In addition, elastic and well moisturized skin makes cellulite less noticeable.
The main thing while using such cosmetics is perseverance and persistence. It is not enough to apply the cream onto problem areas once a day. It requires a definite plan of work. The cream is best absorbed after using a scrub.
Creams to Rid of Cellulite
According to cosmetologists, the best anti-cellulite creams work at night, because at this particular time of day the body runs the majority of restoration work. The cells actively absorb nutrients and use them. So after the evening shower with a scrub, rub the body with a towel – thoroughly, from bottom to top, clockwise. Rub the anti-cellulite agent into the skin massaging it until completely absorbed. One can enhance the massage effect with hand massage. Just remember that the movements should strictly follow the lines of blood circulation.
Physical Activities to Fight Cellulite
Ironically, fitness may fall short of expectations. And that is why it is not necessary to keep sweating for several hours in the gym. One should rather more often get out for a walk in the park. Fresh air and a brisk walk devastate the cellulite.
Sex Helps Get Rid of Cellulite
Let us proceed to the most pleasant thing. If to believe the scientists’ research, the women who are leading a regular sex life demonstrate noticeably smaller signs of cellulite than those having little or hardly any sex life. Everything is related to hormones. Endorphins produced during the orgasm improve one’s mood, reduce the appetite, and help improve metabolism. As a result, the skin is smoothed on the whole body and becomes elastic.
Moral: cellulite is not so bad, as we think. The main thing fighting against it is not to give up and believe in the happy ending that will inevitably come soon!