According to a cousin of the new couple who posted the video below, Bieber overheard the reception karaoke-ing his song "One Less Lonely Girl" (appropriate wedding song) while driving by and pulled over to see what the scene was about. In true form, he caused a riot among the flabbergasted guests and happily posed for pictures with guests and the bride and groom. Gomez, playing patient girlfriend, stayed to the side during the commotion and waited for Bieber by his car. The appearance only lasted about ten minutes, but like all weddings, the memories will last a lifetime.
Now this makes us think: Was Justin in need for a little fan pick-me-up? Why would he take the time to actually stop his car, park, get out and search the venue, following the sweet sound of his own melodies? Seems a little tedious for this writer, but whatever the reason, it was a very sweet gesture from the popstar and the McCools now have one of the greatest wedding stories ever to tell. So Beliebers across the world, break out your karaoke machines and start singing. Like a siren's song luring fishermen to the sea, your rendition of your favorite Bieber song might just catch Justin himself.
Check out Justin Bieber's wedding pandemonium: