1. If you have suddenly developed pronounced under-eye “bags”…
It could be a symptom of an allergic reaction or kidney infection. If other symptoms are also present, such as fever, skin rash, or difficulty breathing, consult your doctor right away. If an allergy is involved, find out what foods you are allergic to and eliminate them from your menu.
The most frequently occurred allergies are to newfangled foods, such as commercial pasteurized milk from hormone-treated cows, processed grains, fruits and veggies with residual pesticides, and other products that people had never eaten until just several generations ago.
Allergies can also be caused by commercial beauty products, such as under-eye creams ormascaras.
2. If you suffer from under-eye puffiness on a regular basis …
Check if it is related to your monthly cycle. If puffiness appears several days before your period, consider it a manifestation of PMS.
Try to use natural diuretics, such as green tea, and eliminate salty foods, most carbohydrates, and excess liquid from your menu about one week prior to your period.
Such measures should drastically reduce hormonal-induced dark circles and puffiness under your eyes, which are caused by premenstrual water retention.
3. Heredity can be involved in the condition, especially when we approach our 40s …

Just look at your Mom or Granma to check if they have dark circles under their eyes, too. If yes, your under-eye puffiness is, most probably, a hereditary condition that runs in the family and there is really not much you can do about it.
In such a case, just try to make peace with your looks and do not be fooled by commercial beauty tricks to sell you yet another “miraculous remedy”.
4. You have swollen eyes, especially when combined with fatigue and fibromayalgia …
That shows that your body is lacking dietary proteins, essential fats, B-vitamins, and folic acid.
Change your diet by including more ecologically-clean meats, fish, and cultured dairy products from pastured cows. Remember that Vitamin B-12 is only contained in animal products, while Vitamin B-6 is most abundant in raw milk, meat, and fish.
Try to find in your area quality raw milk products, especially cheese, and eat frequently traditional raw appetizers, such as steak tartare, kibbeh, or sashimi.
5. Under-eye puffiness is often caused by insomnia, stress, long work days in front of a computer, too much TV, or just great tiredness …
If so, a good long nap would be a miraculous cure. Various eye applications could be helpful, too. While resting, try to apply eye masks made of fresh cucumber slices or moist cold tea bags.
To eliminate dark circles and puffiness on a long run, change your lifestyle: get more sleep and start practising some relaxation or meditation techniques.
- Be careful about what type of teabag you use. If you have allergies a tea bag like chamomile might swell your eyes.
- Do not apply ice or extremely cold water directly to the skin around the eyes for more than a couple of seconds.
- Exercise caution when using a new cosmetic product or trying a home remedy. If the condition worsens, or if you exhibit other symptoms, discontinue use immediately and contact your primary care physician or dermatologist for severe or persisting symptoms. Since the reasons for the dark circle can vary, even a good under eye cream or a concealer might not have the right effects.
- Consult a physician before considering using any expensive or invasive treatments. Not all Eye Circles are formed equally, and understanding and discussing the root causes of your dark circles with a qualified professional will ensure you don’t waste your money.