A new opening. Two new judges. Fewer wretched singers. “American Idol” Season 10 premiered and, if I’m being honest, it didn’t feel much different to me.
I barely noticed Simon Cowell or Ellen DeGeneres were gone. And to be even more honest, I JUST now (no joke) remembered Kara DioGuardi was ever even a judge. I think viewers will be just fine with Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler as judges.
*As I mentioned, I barely noticed anyone was gone. The judges have never really mattered to me. I think the show (despite how tired it should be) will be fine without Cowell and the others.
*Speaking of the judges, I actually believe all three are finally qualified to be judging. I never really believed that before.
*There were fewer bad singers. I know that’s a popular part of the audition episodes, but normally it’s just bad singer after bad singer with only a few good ones thrown in. The premiere gave us a good mixture of good and bad.
*Robbie Rosen. He was the No. 1 standout singer from Wednesday’s episode. His version of “Yesterday” was pretty good. I look forward to seeing him during Hollywood week. Hopefully “Idol” won’t run his sob story in the ground.
The bad
*The new opening. The music barely changed and that’s always been the worst part. They should’ve done more. And the graphics. Wow. Take the drugs away from that intern and tell him to start over.
*It took forever for the show to even get started. “Idol” spent more than 10 minutes patting itself on the back. We don’t need the sensational footage of hunting for judges and we don’t care about statistics. When “Idol” pats itself like that I often feel dirty … like I need a shower.
*Steven Tyler needs to shut up a little bit. We don’t need to hear him singing every five minutes.
*Randy Jackson is kind of out of his league as far as popularity goes. Everyone is excited to see Jennifer and Steven and I think Randy’s jealousy is already showing. Tuck that stuff in, Dawg.
*Even though I think the judges know what they’re talking about, I think their newness showed as they let a couple people through who probably shouldn’t have made it. Hopefully they”ll toughen up soon.
So what were your thoughts? There’s never a lot to discuss during the audition process, but please share with us below. How did Jennifer and Steven do? Did you miss Simon?