American Idol season 10 revved up its engine on Wednesday night with two brand new new judges. AI devoted the first ten minutes to introducing their superstar judges, as though you wouldn’t already know Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. The new judges brought plenty of enthusiasm and J Lo brought her favorite sparkly olive green pleated bodysuit. Score. Steven Tyler said he wanted to find the next Janis Joplin.Jennifer Lopez said she was looking forward to changing someone’s life. Randy is still trying to make “dawg” a thing.

The American Idol season 10 audition, according to Ryan Seacrest’s voiceover, gave them more people than had ever auditioned before. Why is this? After 10 seasons, hasn’t half of American already had their dreams crushed? They’re going to have to start bringing in Canadians eventually, right?
When they had to say “no” on the first day, Lopez had a really tough time. She cried out, “Oooh, I wanna go home!” She followed up by saying it was especially hard when you could see the people who really wanted it. Lopez had a great deal of trouble turning people away. Eventually she started to find her footing, telling one girl, “You’re very sweet, but this is not for you.”
One of the girls (Tiffany Rio’s) auditioning wore a zebra printed bikini top with giant cardboard cutouts of silver stars on each of her breasts. “What’s with the jujubee’s on the oooobie’s?” asked Tyler, focused on those stars. Turns out Rios could actually sing, and she got sent to Hollywood.
Plenty of the people auditioning thought they’d have a good shot with these new judges who might listen to their appeals.
One new aspect to the show is that Tyler has absolutely no problem giving out sexual compliments to the female constants. He also has some humor, like impersonations (“What we have here, is a failure to communicate.”)
Other people who auditioned included: burping guy, Ashley* – the awkward girl who worships Britney Spears (the first showtune popstar), the young Southern beauty queen-type, the girl from Kosovo, the singing waitress from Times Square, Yogi Pop, and everyone singing Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA.”